Flower Care

Want to know how we keep our flowers so fresh?

Fresh cut flowers are living entities that can be encouraged to last much longer under the right conditions. The following tips will help make your flowers last longer (you're welcome)!


Tip 1: Unwrap your beauties and give them a fresh cut with sharp scissors on an angle.

Tip 2: Change your vase water every 2-3 days. Flowers love fresh water! These thirsty beauties need a regular top up.

Tip 3: Your buds don't like bright light and heat, keep them in a cool place.

Tip 4: Want your flowers on display in the kitchen? Keep them away from bananas and ripe fruit because your buds like to be the main feature.


Extra Tips

  • Fresh water is the best thing for your cut flowers
  • Keep your flowers away from direct sunlight, heating & cooling. 
  • Avoid placing flowers next to the fruit bowl – the ethylene gas produced by the ripening fruit can cause the flowers to age early. 
  • Simply remove and dispose of any flowers that have past their peak to allow the remaining flowers to flourish!